Since starting at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Computer Science I have learned some basic languages in coding such as C, C++, and Java. Through Software Engineering 1(ICS 314), we have been introduced to JavaScript for upcoming coding challenges called the workout of the day (WOD) and to build and develop a professional portfolio. Overall, JavaScript seems simple and more concise than other languages. Learning ES6 also consolidates the language using different features such as arrow functions and destructuring. JavaScript is a good language for programming and developing websites. I am eager to develop my skills in programming while building a professional portfolio.
Before learning JavaScript, the primary language I used to code was Java with some basic understanding of C and C++. I enjoy coding more in JavaScript because the declaration of variables and the way objects and functions work are more flexible. Flexibility comes from JavaScript being a dynamically typed language versus a strongly typed one. This makes it feel more intuitive to the user. Another change is compiling code. This difference is noticeable while using frameworks. Intellij was more difficult for Java because I had to use a compiler. JavaScript makes running code a breeze.
ICS 314 will test my understanding of JavaScript and programming through WODs. WODs are a type of athletic software engineering to encourage practice and promote growth. I find this type of learning stressful. During practice WODs and in class I find myself freezing up and forgetting basic things. Most software engineering interviews will contain technical questions. This could range from basic programming to more complicated dynamic programming and problem-solving. Even though I find WOD”s stressful, I think it better my understanding of coding for the future to work in a career I have always wanted.